The Artist Sees: Portrait of Viktoria Savenkova

Técnica: Oil on canvas
Dimensiones: 102,6x76,2
Precio: Consultar Precio


That afternoon in Barcelona she etched her way into my heart. Her tall stature, her sculpted high cheek bones, her inescapable gaze that studies every color and form of everything. It was one year ago and we were meant to photograph each other for a show called Creator and Muse where the artist becomes the subject. We hiked up a mountain overlooking the ocean. We’d stop along the way and pose for each other. She puts twigs in my face and I met her. I draped her in my usual silks which she gladly donned. It was a magnificent experience and I was so excited to get started in the painting when I discovered I had lost the disk. My heart was broken! Fortune smiled on me and I got another opportunity to meet again in Barcelona. No scarves this time. Just her. We met this time at the European Museum of Modern Art. I was at once intimidated by the way she looked into me. I could tell she was studying me just as I study someone. Well, I lost the card with all the photos which turned out to be an absolute blessing as I got an opponent to shoot her again. Again, we met in Barcelona , this time at MEAM. Again, her penetrating, curious gaze caught my eye. Her demeanor was different being in the museum. Like she was experiencing love, but the kind that haunts you. The reference photos I captured that day was the first time I felt I had really seen someone for who they are not with how I can fit them into my idea. The painting excersize was thrilling as I tried to capture her intensity as well as her softness. Through this experience, I have gained someone to share ideas with, who challenges me to look at things differently and who is always up for kicking up sand on a beach in the middle of the night!
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