
Técnica: Oil on canvas
Dimensiones: 50x70
Precio: Consultar Precio


when I saw these two beautiful little girl buying and carrying so many breads with no help,I was thinking they could have been playing with their friends in their hometown right now,where they have an actual identity. if their country was a free land and the whole situation was not as tragic as it is right now.if they just didnt have to immigrate and became a refugees. so I just hoped that this little small scene of their life to be seen by people who are responsible for the wars. war leaders and those who command the fire,I want them to see and to understand what the war brings to the life of thousands of innocent children and human beings. where as the children of many parts of the world are playing with their toys,enjoy the summer pools and benefit the high educational facilities ,children of middlest or africa or any place where is involve in an unwanted battle,loose their childhood ,their safety and their futur to some politics plans which has been impositioned to them. these poor little kids have no idea of the inequality that rules the world. However I just hope my work could make some changes even though very small one to the future life of refugees kids.
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