
Técnica: Oil on panel
Dimensiones: 74x61
Precio: Consultar Precio


This painting is special to me in many ways. The setting is the beautiful hills of the California coast at that remarkable and short period of time when it is awash with brilliant splashes of color. These hills have been ravaged by fire, but nature always brings renewal and fresh life. The deer represent the power of nature that cannot be subdued. They are does, and on their heads they bear branches of flowering cherry blossoms, to mimic the antlers of a stag. My model is called Destini, so the title of the painting seemed doubly appropriate. She is the destiny of the young woman who will become a leader and call us to renew our bonds with the earth. I have depicted her with the symbols of the goddess: the moon and an owl of wisdom. The theme behind the painting is best described by the poet, Nikita Gill: "Sometimes I watch Girl become Goddess and the meta- morphosis is more magnificent than anything I have ever known."
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