15 de julio al 15 de septiembre 2024

Theodor Romila

Theodor Romila

Exposición obras del artista Theodor Romila a la venta - Exhibition of works by artist Theodor Romila on sale

Obras en Exposición


Theodor Romila

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Theodor Romila is an artist born in Romania. He has a BA and MA in Fine Arts from the University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca. He is currently a PhD student at the same institution studying the perception of the artwork in relation to research in Neuroaesthetics.

He started drawing at the age of 9 and he has always been interested in developing a hyperrealist and surrealist style. Recently, he has started to approach his artistic subjects from a more conceptualist point of view. He is interested in several psychological, philosophical, theological and scientific subjects. His favorite theme is related to the passage of time and the ephemerality of life. In 2020 he studied Visual Arts for one semester at Accademia di Brera, Milan, Italy, and in 2023 he studied in the Painting department for one semester at Accademia di Belle Arti di Bari, Italy. Some of his greatest achievements so far have been two selections as a finalist in the ModPortrait 2021 competition, respectively ModPortrait 2023 and also a finalist in the 16th edition of the ARC Salon competition. He won the “Young Talent Honourable Mention” prize at the ModPortrait 2023 competition. He has had several exhibitions in Italy, Spain, Bulgaria and Romania.

His preferred medium is charcoal on paper, although in the past he has worked extensively with graphite. He is currently interested in the technique of oil painting, as it was used by the old masters.

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