Natalie Holland
Obras en Venta
Obras en Exposición
Natalie Holland
Natalie Holland, born in St. Petersburg, Russia, is a classically trained artist. After graduating from the Russian Academy of Arts she relocated to Norway at age 19, where she enjoyed a two-year apprenticeship with the eminent Norwegian artist Odd Nerdrum. In 2007 Holland moved to London and stayed, relishing in its multicultural diversity, cosmopolitanism, and dynamic art scene.
Holland is best known for her portraits and figure paintings which frequently focus on contemporary societal themes such as childhood and adolescence, cultural coexistence, and female identity in contemporary Western society.
Based on traditional oil painting techniques, Holland’s method has evolved towards a more vivid contemporary realism. With exquisite technical precision, she skillfully captures the uniqueness of each figure, purposely avoiding artificial interpretations and visible brushstrokes. By remaining faithful to the sitter’s authentic appearance and empathizing with their personal narrative, she aims to capture the pure essence of being. Holland feels that, through her paintings, she has lived a thousand lives.
Through her artwork, Holland seeks to offer a connection between the viewer and the painted subject, believing that—regardless of cultural differences—the recognition of shared similarities brings people together. She interprets human experiences—what it feels like to be a child, a parent, a warrior, or a romantic—in order to build a bridge between yesterday and today. Holland’s subject matter powerfully depicts the spirit of our existence by showing that human needs remain the same despite today’s overall sense of isolation due to great advances in technology. Her paintings open up a personal dialogue with the viewer with whom she aims to establish a unique, motional connection in real life.
Written by Lorena Kloosterboer
Antwerp, 2017
Natalie Holland
Natalie Holland, nacida en San Petersburgo, Rusia, es una artista con formación clásica. Después de graduarse de la Academia de Artes de Rusia se mudó a Noruega a la edad de 19 años, donde disfrutó de un aprendizaje de dos años con el eminente artista noruego Odd Nerdrum. En 2007 Holland se reubicó a Londres, donde sigue viviendo y trabajando, disfrutando de su diversidad multicultural, cosmopolitismo y dinámica vida artística.
Holland es conocida por sus retratos y figuras humanas que frecuentemente centran alrededor de temas sociales contemporáneos, como, por ejemplo, la infancia y la adolescencia, la convivencia cultural y la identidad femenina en nuestra sociedad occidental contemporánea.
Basado en técnicas tradicionales de pintura al óleo, el método de Holland ha evolucionado hacia un realismo contemporáneo más vivaz. Con exquisita precisión capta diestramente la singularidad de cada figura, evitando a propósito las interpretaciones artificiales y las pinceladas visibles. Al permanecer fiel a la apariencia auténtica del individuo y a través su empatía con la historia personal captura la esencia pura del ser. Holland siente que, a través de sus pinturas, ha vivido mil vidas.
Mediante sus obras de arte Holland trata de ofrecer una conexión entre el espectador y el sujeto pintado, convencida que—independientemente de las diferencias culturales—la afirmación de las similitudes compartidas une a las personas. Ella interpreta las experiencias humanas—lo que se siente al ser niño, padre, guerrero o romántico—para construir un puente entre el ayer y hoy. El tema de Holland representa con fuerza el espíritu de nuestra existencia al demostrar que las necesidades humanas siguen siendo las mismas, a pesar del sentido general de aislamiento hoy en día debido a los grandes avances tecnológicos. Sus pinturas abren un diálogo personal con el espectador con el que intenta establecer una conexión emocional y única.
Escrito por Lorena Kloosterboer
Amberes, 2017
- Society of Women Artists Annual Exhibition, Mall Galleries, London UK 2016 2016
- Membership at International Guild of Realism, 2016 2016
- Royal Institute of Oil Painters Annual Exhibitions, Mall Galleries, London, UK 2015
- Zebra One Gallery, London, UK 2015
- The Art Renewal Center International Salon Competition 2015, USA 2016 2015
- The Society of Woman Artists153rd Annual Exhibition, Mall Galleries, London, UK 2014
- Brave New Realists, Go Figurative, London, UK 2014
- Portraits – annual Exhibition, Royal Society of Oil Painters, Mall Galleries, London, UK 2013
- Annual Exhibition, Royal Institute of Oil Painters, Mall Galleries, London, UK 2013
- South African Olympic Centre, Queen Elisabeth Hall, London, UK 2012
- Group Exhibition, M Gallery of Fine Art, Charleston, USA 2011
- Presentation, Galleries Maurice Sternberg, Chicago, USA 2010
- 12th Anniversary Group Exhibition, Gallery Ramfjord, Oslo, Norway 2010
- BP Portrait Award, National Portrait Gallery, London UK 2009
- BP Portrait Award, Dean gallery, Edinburgh, UK 2009
- BP Portrait Award, Southhampton City Gallery,UK 2009
- Selected Works - solo show, Royal College of Art London, UK 2008
- Mortification of Selv, solo show, Grev Wedels Plass Kunsthandel, Oslo, Norway 2007
- Mortification of Selv, solo show, Gallery 27, London, UK 2006
- Images from Unlived Lives – solo show, Grev Wedels Plass Kunsthandel, Oslo, Norway 2005
- Women by Women, Jenkins Johnson Gallery, San Francisco, USA 2004
- San Francisco International Art Exhibition, San Francisco, USA 2003
- Il Progresso Di un Identita – solo show, Gruppo Donatello, Florence, Italy 2002
- Art Chicago Group Show, Claire Oliver Fine Art Chicago, USA 2001
- Thinking Outside the Box, Claire Oliver Fine Art Philadelphia, USA 2000
- Miami International Art Fair, Claire Oliver Fine Art Miami, USA 2000
- Boston International Fine Art Show, Claire Oliver Fine Art, Boston, USA 1999
- The Norwegian Figurative Painting, Claire Oliver Fine Art, Philadelphia, USA 1999
- Modern & Contemporary Art Fair, Claire Oliver Fine Art, Palm Beach, USA 1999
- The Opening Show, Claire Oliver Fine Art, Philadelphia, USA 1998
- Group Exhibitions, Gallery Ericson, Oslo Norway 1997
- Figurative Exhibition, Gallery D40, Stockholm, Sweden 1994
- I de dødes tradisjon, Blomquist, Oslo, Norway 1993
- 12 Figurative, Gallery Tonne, Oslo, Norway 1992
- Natalie Holland Solo Show, Kunsthuset, Oslo, Norway 1992
- Unge Figurative, Fredrikstad Kunstforening, Norway 1992