Lydia Martin
Obras en Venta
Obras en Exposición
“My ongoing painting series entitled,’Lotería’ was inspired by and organized around the traditional images associated with the popular Latin American/ Mexican game of fortune, Lotería: a version of bingo which utilizes pictorial cards instead of letters and numbers. I invited my colleague, artist, Kseniya Galper, to hand create an original sequence of corresponding Lotería cards that would serve as labels to each of my paintings. Using the game’s stock images as my focus, I work across genres—such as figure painting: (“La Sirena,” “La Dama”, “La Mano,” “El Musico,” “El Soldado,” “Las Arras”); interior: (“La Bota,” “El Sol,” “La Luna”), exterior/ cityscape/ landscape: (“El Borracho,” “El Arbol”) and still life: (“La Botella,” “La Estrella,” “La Maceta,” “El Diablito, ” “Lotería”)—to offer fresh interpretations of the concepts that stand behind the game’s rich folkloric history. In so doing, I aim to reconnect in distinctive ways with these everyday personalities, locales, and objects that quietly lend the game its broad
cultural appeal and significance.”
Lydia Martin is an American contemporary realist painter from Quincy, MA. Her preferred medium is oil, though she is equally at home with watercolor, acrylic, and pastel. The surfaces on which she works are equally various: linen, canvas, wood panel, aluminum panel and paper. The applied techniques she has studied are primarily classical, as perfected in the Italian and Northern Renaissance and imported experimentally into the modern age. Lydia was invited to work with the renowned Norwegian painter, Odd Nerdrum at his Art Atelier, "Memorosa" in Stavern, Norway. She attended West Chester University and the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, where she studied with Sidney Goodman. In following years, upon moving to New England, she attended the Massachusetts College of Art, to study with pastel painter, Janet Monafo.
Lydia Martin is a Professor Emeritus of Art & Design at Suffolk University, Boston, MA, where she taught for 30 years, courses in painting, drawing, 2-dimensional design, color, perspective, architectural rendering, printmaking and paper making. She was awarded Suffolk University’s “Outstanding Art & Design Faculty of the Year” and was also awarded the prestigious Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation Fellowship to study abroad in Paris, France. Lydia Martin was recognized as one of the Art Career Project’s “15 Notable Art Professors in Boston.”
Awarded in painting and pastel drawing, Lydia Martin’s art works have been included in museums, art clubs and art centers exhibitions through out the country such as, New York’s Arnot Art Museum, the National Arts Club, Salmagundi Arts Club, Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club, Allied Artists of America Art Club, Stony Brook University Museum Gallery, the Butler Institute of American Art, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art Museum, the Peale House, the James A. Michener Museum of Art, Harvard University’s Arnold Arboretum Art Center, the Whistler House Museum of Art, the Copley Society of Art, the Bennington Center for the Arts, Chatham Center for the Arts, Cape Cod Museum of Art as well as in art gallery solo and group exhibitions such as, New York’s Dacia Gallery, SoHo’s Broome Street Gallery & the First Street Gallery, the Newington-Cropsey Foundation Gallery, Providence’s Chabot Gallery, Boston’s Chase Gallery and Lyman-Eyer Gallery, the Crane Collection, Six Summit Gallery, Franklin Square Gallery, St. Louis Artist’s Guild, Barnsite Studio & Art Gallery, Period Gallery and San Francisco’s Powell Street Gallery. Her art works are also included in private collections in the US and Europe and have been pictured in various technical art books through North Light Books, Quarto and Cedco publications. Several of her paintings were pictured on book covers as well: “Secrets in the Sand: The Young Women of Juarez” book of poetry by renowned Chilean poet, Marjorie Agosin and “Renaissance Reflections: Selected Essays 1976-2012” by University of Massachusetts English Professor Emeritus, Arthur F. Kinney- who’s portrait she was commissioned to create and was installed in UMass library Center for Interdisciplinary Renaissance Studies. Lydia Martin was selected as one of the top 10 artists to be interviewed by Art It, London, UK, who included her painting in, "Voices of Artists" magazine, April 2021 issue "Portraits and Figures"- www.artit.net or @Art_It.net . Her still-life paintings were selected for "The Clover and Bee" creative literary magazine, Issue #2, January 8th, 2022: www.cloverandbee.com or @cloverandbeemag. Included in Galería Artelibre’s online website: www.artelibre.net under ‘Grande Autores’ and published in Galería Artelibre’s: 2021 & 2022 LEONARDO: Guía de Arte, Zaragosa, Spain, her paintings were also pictured in MEAM /Galería Artelibre ModPortrait special edition catalogs 2020 & 2021, Barcelona/ Zaragosa, Spain.
Lydia Martin’s artworks are now available through New York’s Sugarlift online Gallery: www.sugarlift.com or on Instagram: @sugarlift .
2024 Allied Artists of America, Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, Associate Artists online Juried Exhibition 2022-2024.
Galería Artelibre, Zaragoza, Spain- Galería artelibre 25 aniversario 1999-2024 online exhibition.
Lydia Martin's painting, "At the Foot of the Wall: Au Pied du Mur" included in this commemorative show.
Sugarlift Gallery, New York, NY- artworks available and can be viewed in the online gallery.
Cape Cod Museum of Art, Dennis, MA, Collector’s Corridor, painting, “Majeska”, included in ongoing exhibition.
www.ccmoa.org or Instagram: @capecodmuseumofart
2023 Cape Cod Museum of Art, Dennis, MA, Collector’s Corridor, ongoing. www.ccmoa.org
Allied Artists of America, Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, 109th Annual Open Juried Exhibition, 9/1/22-9//1/23.
Sugarlift Gallery, NY, online gallery- Artist’s works are available and can be viewed at: www.sugarlift.com/artist/lydia-martin
Allied Artists of America, Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, Associate Artists online Juried Exhibition 2022-2024.
2022 Cape Cod Museum of Art, All The World’s A Stage, international juried exhibition, May 11th- July 24th, 2022.
Salmagundi Arts Club, NY, Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Arts Club 125th Exhibition, international juried exhibit June 20th -30th.
Allied Artists of America, New York, NY, Associate Members online Exhibition, May 15, 2022-May 15, 2024.
Dacia Gallery, NY, Women Artists, national juried exhibition February 15th - 27th, 2022. www.daciagallery.com .
‘The Contemporary’, Northern Waters, Watersmeet, MI, Small Works Exhibition, nat’l show, Dec. 17th-Jan. 7th.
Sugarlift Gallery, NY, online gallery- Artist’s works are on exhibit, available and can be viewed at: www.sugarlift.com .
Galería Artelibre, Zaragosa, Spain, online gallery- Artist’s works are on exhibit, available and can be viewed at:
www.artelibre.com under ‘Grandes Autores’- biography and paintings also pictured 2022 Guía Arte LEONARDO
2021 ‘The Contemporary’, Northern Waters, Watersmeet, MI, Small Works Exhibition, nat’l show, Dec. 17th, 2021-Jan. 7th, 2022
Biafarin, Exhibizone, Toronto, Canada, Diversia: Food, international juried online exhibition, Oct. 9th-Nov. 15th.
MEAM/ Galería Artelibre, Barcelona/Zaragosa, Spain, online gallery and juried 2021 ModPortrait special edition catalogue
Allied Artists of America, Salmagundi Club, New York, NY, 108th Annual Open Juried Exhibition, September 2nd -19th.
Galería Artelibre, Zaragosa, Spain, online gallery- Artist’s works are on exhibit, available and can be viewed at:
www.artelibre.com under ‘Grandes Autores’- biography and paintings also pictured 2021 Guía Arte LEONARDO
Salmagundi Arts Club, NY, Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Arts Club 124th Annual Open Juried Exhibition, May 23rd-June 4th.
2020 MEAM/ Galería Artelibre, Barcelona/Zaragosa, Spain, online gallery and juried 2020 ModPortrait special edition catalogue
Akebia Therapeutics, Cambridge, MA, DeCordova Museum’s Art Loan Exhibition, Nov. 4, 2019-Oct. 31, 2020
2019 Gallery Twist, Lexington, MA re/ seeing HUMDRUM juried exhibition 9/ 27/19-10/20/19
Zullo Gallery, Medfield MA, 25th Annual Juried Exhibition, juror: Jacob Ginga, 9/14/19—11/2/19
Whistler House Museum of Art, Lowell, MA Lowell Art Association Members’ Juried Exhibit 11/17/18-1/27/19
Carbon Black, Waltham, MA, DeCordova Museum’s Art Loan Exhibition, June 20, 2017- May 29, 2019
2018 Suffolk University Fine Art Gallery, Boston, MA, Juxtapose: Art & Design Faculty Exhibition, Jan. 25-Feb. 25
Whistler House Museum of Art, Lowell, MA Lowell Art Association Members’ Juried Exhibit 11/17/18-1/27/19
Carbon Black, Waltham, MA, DeCordova Museum’s Art Loan Exhibition, June 20, 2017- May 29, 2019
2017 Arthur F. Kinney Center for Interdisciplinary Renaissance Studies, UMass, Amherst, MA,
Artist’s portrait of UMass English Professor Emeritus, Arthur F. Kinney installed in Center’s reading room. 9/18/17.
Catharine Lorillard Arts Club, NY, Members’ International Exhibition, July 1-August 31, 2017
Topsfield Town Library, Topsfield, MA, DeCordova Museum’s Art Loan Exhibition, July 18, 2016- May 29, 2017
2016 Lowell Art Association, Whistler House Museum of Art, MA, Invitational Members Exhibition, Nov.2015-Jan. 2015
Topsfield Town Library, Topsfield, MA, deCordova Museum’s Art Loan Exhibition, 6/20/16- 9/25/17
Holland and Knight Law Firm, Boston, MA- deCordova Museum’s Art Loan/ Exhibition 6/22/15-5/25/16
2015 Bennington Center for the Arts, VT, Laumeister Fine Art Competition/ Exhibition, Aug.-Dec. 2015
National Arts Cub, Gramercy Park, NY, Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club’s 119th Open Juried Show
December 1-18. http://www.clwac.org/#!119th-annual-open-juried-exhibition/c1zvi
James McNeil Whistler House Museum, Lowell, MA, Lydia Martin: Lotería II, solo exhibition.
Colors of Humanity Art Gallery, Human Nature International exhibit/ benefit ‘Your Safe Haven.”
Holland and Knight Law Firm, Boston, MA- deCordova Museum’s Art Loan/ Exhibition 6/ 22,/15-5/25/16
Colors of Humanity Art Gallery,Red international exhibiti/ benefit Red Cross:
http://www.colorsofhumanityartgallery.com /Red-Feb-2015/Red-2015-Show/n-J83mN
Lincoln Properties Company, The Meadows, Chelmsford, MA, deCordova Museum Art Loan Exhibit, 6/20,/14-5/ 20/15
Suffolk University, Boston, MA. NESAD at 73 Tremont Street, art loan exhibition.
2014 Milton Art Museum at Massasoit Community College, Canton, MA- Milton Art Museum Exhibition/ Competition
3 artists exhibit http://miltonartmuseum.org/events.htm - juror: Kaveh Mojtabai- Artscope Founder & Publisher.
Bennington Center for the Arts, VT, Portraying the Human Spirit, http://www.thebennington.org/portraying-the-human-spirit/
Salmagundi Arts Club, NY, Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club Members’ Show, international exhibit
Suffolk University, 73 Tremont Street, Boston, MA, NESAD Exhibits, art loan and exhibition
Chabot Gallery, Providence, RI, Best Holiday Gifts, winter exhibition: www.chabotgallery/artists/lydia-martin/
Lincoln Properties Company, The Meadows, Chelmsford, MA, deCordova Museum Art Loan Exhibit, 6/20,/14-5/ 20/15
2013 Six Summit Gallery, Ivoryton, CT, In the Pink, national exhibition/ benefit Breast Cancer.
National Arts Club, NYC, 117th Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club Exhibit, https://sites.suffolk.edu/andthen/page/4/
Chabot Gallery, Providence, RI, Summer Show- gallery artists exhibition
Adams Gallery, Suffolk University, Boston, MA, NESAD Faculty Exhibition: http://corporateartloan.org/page/11
Salmagundi Art Club, NY, Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club Members’ Exhibition
Suffolk University, 73 Tremont Street, Boston, MA, NESAD Exhibits, art loan and exhibition:
Chabot Gallery, Providence, RI, Best Holiday Gifts, winter exhibition
2012 Chabot Gallery, Providence, RI, Lotería , Fall, solo exhibition. http://www.chabotgallery.com/2012/10/loteria/
Chabot Gallery, Providence, RI, Retrospect, Summer, invitational exhibition.
Suffolk University, Boston, MA. NESAD at 73 Tremont Street, art loan exhibition.
2011 Emerson Hospital, Sudbury, MA, artist’s work, “Shelves” on exhibition for one year.
Suffolk University, Boston, MA, NESAD at 73 Tremont Street , art loan exhibition.
2010 Broome Street Gallery, SoHo, NY, Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club Members’ Show, international exhibit
2009 National Arts Club, NYC, 113th Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Arts Club Open Juried exhibit, international show
Broome Street Gallery, SoHo, NY, Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club Members’ Show, international exhibit
New England School of Art & Design Gallery, Suffolk University, MA, “Year of Drawing” NESAD Faculty Exhibition
2008 Broome Street Gallery, SoHo, NY, Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club Members’ Show, int’l exhibit
San Francisco, CA, Art of Democracy, on-line invitational exhibition: http://www.artofdemocracy.org/posters/posters.html
Bennington Center for the Arts, VT, Small Works Show, & Impressions of New England, national exhibits
Franklin Square Gallery, Southport, NC, Associated Artists’ Opened Juried Exhibition, national show
2007 Stony Brook University, NY 450 Women Have Been Murdered in Ciudad Juarez, national exhibit
2006 The 110th Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Arts, National Arts Club, NYC international juried exhibit.
2005 Bennington Center for the Arts, VT, American Artists Abroad, national juried exhibition
Franklin Square Gallery, Associated Artists of Southport, NC, 25th National Show
Art Association of Harrisburg, PA, 77th Annual Juried Exhibition, juror: Linda Simmons, Corcoran Gallery.
Associated Artists of Winston-Salem, NC, Dimensions 2005, national juried show
2004 Visual Arts Center, Punta Gorda, FLA, national exhibit; juror: Daniel Greene, renowned American painter.
2003 Associated Artists of Winston-Salem, NC, An American Experience, national exhibit.
Friends of Copley Square, Boston, MA, An Arts Affair, juried by Vose Gallery and curator, Jonathan Fairbanks.
Art Auction proceeds for Copley Square.memorial statue of American portrait painter, John Singleton Copley.
Barnsite Art Studio and Gallery, Kewanee, WI, Barns and Farms, nat’l juried exhibit in concordance with
the Smithsonian traveling exhibition, Barns, Again.
Newington-Cropsey Foundation Gallery, Hudson Valley Art Association Hastings on Hudson, NY,
72nd National Juried Exhibition.
2002 The 106th Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Arts, National Arts Club, NYC
Lyman-Eyer Gallery, Provincetown, MA, New Works, solo exhibition
Somerville Museum, Somerville, MA, Paradox: Artists Respond, regional exhibition
Tremont Street Gallery, Boston, MA, Empathy, International Society’s juried exhibit
Attleboro Museum, Attleboro, MA, Small Works, nat’l juried exhibition
Arnot Art Museum, Elmira, NY, Re-Presenting Representation V, invitational, televised on CNN
Lyman-Eyer Gallery, West Newton, MA, Winter Salon & Summer Salon, invitational
South Shore Art Center, Cohasset, MA, Planes, Trains and Automobiles, national exhibition
2001 Coutts Museum, El Dorado, KS, Living on the Praire-Living on the Plain, nattional juried exhibit
Audubon Artists, Inc., Salmagundi Arts Club NY, 59th Open Juried Exhibition
Arts Center, Chatham, MA, Pastel Painters Society of Cape Cod’s Pastels Only, exhibit
Friends of Copley Square, Boston, MA, An Arts Affair, juried benefit art auction
Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, OH, 65th Midyear Museum Juried Exhibition
St. Louis Artists’ Guild, MO, In Your Face, nat’l open juried portrait exhibition
Salmagundi Arts Club, NY, 24th Annual Non Members Juried Exhibition
Lyman-Eyer Gallery, West Newton, MA, Winter Showcase & Summer Salon
2000 Lyman-Eyer Gallery, West Newton, MA, Lydia Martin: Paintings, solo exhibition
Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Arts, National Arts Club, NY, 104thInternational Juried Millenium Exhibit
Friends of Copley Square, Boston, MA, An Arts Affair, juried benefit art auction
Pastel Society of America, Nation’l Arts Club, NY, 28th Juried Exhibit;, juror: Raymond E. Kinstler.
St. Louis Artists’ Guild, MO, Faces and Places, nat’l portrait exhibit-1st prize for portrait
Period Gallery, Omaha, NE, Realism, nat’l juried exhibition
Crane Collection, Wellesley, MA Summer Exhibition, invitational
Powell Street Gallery, San Francisco, CA, Realism, 3 artists invitational show
1999 Powell Street Gallery, San Francisco, CA, New Works, invitational 3 artists exhibit
Zullo Gallery, Medfield, MA, In Ordinary Time, invitational exhibition
Crane Collection, Wellesley, MA, The Last Little Picture Show, invitational exhibit
ArtWorks! Gallery, New Bedford, MA, Opened Juried Regional Exhibition
Zullo Gallery, Medfield, MA, 8th Annual Juried Exhibition
NESAD Gallery 28, Suffolk University, Boston, MA, Recent Paintings, solo show
1997 Museum of American Art, Philadelphia, PA, The Unbroken Line, international juried show,
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Fellowship; juror: Philip Pearlstein (figurative painter.)
Museum of Science, Boston, MA, Drawing Show held during Leonardo Da Vinci Exhibit
1996 Gallery Alexy, Philadelphia, PA, Contemporary Realism, nat’l show; juror: Sidney Goodman
1995 Chase Gallery, Boston, MA, The Still-Life: A Modern View, invitational paintings exhibition
1994 Chadd’s Ford Gallery, Chadd’s Ford, PA, Oil Paintings, Watercolors & Prints, solo show (Andrew Wyeth in
1992 & 94 Gallery 28, NESAD, Boston, MA, solo exhibit ’92 & Observing Tradition, group exhibit ’94
1991 Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, Arnold Arboretum’s Spring Art Show, juried exhibit- 1st prize award
James A. Michener Museum, Philadelphia, PA, National Juried Exhibition
jurors: Lisa Dennison (curator Guggenheim Museum) and Grace Hartigan (painter.)
1990 Gallery 28, NESAD, Boston, MA, Glass, solo show newworks- figurative, still-lives, Trompe l’oeil & interiors- theme of glass.
Creative Collections Gallery, Boston, MA, Art Works, solo exhibition
Boston Visual Artists Union, Boston, MA, Members Annual Juried Exhibition
1989 First Street Gallery, NY, National Figure Exhibition, juror: Jack Beal, realist, figurative painter
Creative Collections, Boston, MA, Invitational Group Exhibition
1988 Thronja Gallery, Springfield, MA, Gallery Invitational, group exhibit then solo show
Copley Society, Boston, MA, Members Spring Exhibition
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Gallery, Boston, MA, Art in New England, regional show.
1985 The Peale House, Philadelphia , PA, The Figure, juried exhibition
1984 Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts Museum, Philadelphia, PA, Student Art Exhibition
APPOINTMENTS Professor Emeritus, Art & Design, Suffolk University, Boston, MA, 2021-present
Professor, Art & Design, Suffolk University, Boston, MA, 2006-2020
teaches courses in Foundation Drawing 1&2, Foundation Painting, Painting & Drawing for Non-Art Majors, 2D Design/Color
Associate Professor, NESAD, Suffolk University, Boston, MA, 2001-2006:
classes taught: Perspective, & Architectural Rendering, Interior Design Communications 1, Foundation ddawing 1&2.
Assistant Professor, NESAD, Suffolk University, Boston, MA, 1997-2001:
classes: taught Perspective to all majors, Architectural Rendering, Interior Design Communications 1&2,
Foundation Drawing 1&2, Printmaking.
Art Director, Museum of Science, Boston, MA, 1997: based on the notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci,
created, directed and taught artisan workshops in drawing light & shadow; mural painting
techniques; linear & atmospheric perspective of the Italian Renaissance.
Full-Time Instructor, NESAD, Suffolk University, Boston, MA 1989-1997:
classes taught: Perspective and 20th Century Art Movements, Foundation Drawing 1&2, Foundation Painting,
Contemporary Realism painting, Printmaking, Paper making,Figure Drawing, Portrait Drawing, Mural Painting.
Substitute Teacher in Introductory Drawing for non-art majors, Suffolk University, Boston, MA 1993:
hired by Suffolk University’s CAS as a substitute for Prof. Raymond Parks.
EDUCATION Odd Nerdrum Atelier, Rodvik gaard, Stavern, Norway 2016: invited to work with renowned painter, Odd Nerdrum.
Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA, 1999: Independent Masters study in pastel drawing & painting;
instructor / artist: Janet Monafo.
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA, 1980-84: MFA diploma (Master’s equivalent) in drawing &
painting; instructors: Sidney Goodman, Liz Osborne, Will Barnet, Bruce Samuelson, Arthur DeCosta.
West Chester University, West Chester, PA, 1976-1980: BA, magna cum laude; art major & art history minor;
instructors: Bernice Shapiro, Jack Hawthorne, Victor Lasuchin, William Rerrick.
AWARDS & 2021 Best In Show & Honorable Mention: “Small Works Exhibition at The Contemporary”, Northern Waters Resort, MI
RECOGNITIONS 2019 30 Year Service Award- Art & Design Department, Suffolk University, Boston, MA 11/19.
2015 CAS Suffolk University Summer Stipend, granted for summer solo show at the Whistler Museum of Art, Lowell, MA.
Noteworthy: The Colors of Humanity Art Gallery, Human Nature International online exhibit/ benefit ‘Your Safe Haven”
Granted Sabbatical leave, Suffolk University, Boston, MA, spring-,created body of work for solo show at Whistler House Museum of Art.
Honorable Mention: The Colors of Humanity online Art Gallery Exhibition “RED”, international exhibit/ benefit the Red Cross.
Nomination: (once again) for “Outstanding NESAD Faculty of the Year” Suffolk University Student Government Association.”
2014 Recognition: The Art Career Project: “15 Notable Art Professors in Boston 2014”
Honorable Mention- Milton Art Museum Three Artists Exhibition Competition, Massasoit Community College, Canton, MA
Juror, Kaveh Mojtabai, Founder & Publisher, Artscope magazine.- http://miltonartmuseum.org/events.htm
2013 *Marion and Jasper Whiting Foundation Faculty Fellowship, summer study abroad, Paris, France-research on
circle of artists and designers who participated in the Ballets Russes Productions during time of premiere performance
Stravinsky’s “Rite of Spring”-attended centennial performance- http://www.suffolk.edu/news/13886.php#.UXApPhlwB7M
*Create new student project within 2013-14 foundation drawing and painting classes. In March 2014, plans to coordinate,
install & hold a reception for this special Foundation student exhibition in NESAD’s Project Space:
“Early 20th Century Artists In Paris Who Participated in the Ballets Russes.” Students’ family & friends in attendance.
2010-11 Awarded- “Outstanding Art & Design Faculty of the Year” Suffolk University Student Government Association
2010 Nomination, “Outstanding NESAD Faculty of the Year” Suffolk University Student Government Association.
2009 Course Reduction, Suffolk University, Boston, MA, Fall 2009, create series of paintings: Mexico/ America.
20 Year Service Award- New England School of Art & Design/Suffolk University, Boston, MA 11/09
2008 2nd Place Prize for Painting in Oil & Acrylic, Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club Members’ Int’l Exhibit, Broome Street Gallery, NY.
Granted Sabbatical Leave, Suffolk University, Boston, MA, Spring 1-5/08.
2005 Sara Lee Prize for Painting, Associated Artists of Winston-Salem, “Dimensions 2005” Nat’l Exhibition, NC, 4-5/2005.
2001 Granted Sabbatical Leave, Suffolk University, Boston, MA, Spring 2001, researched, studied techniques of 5 women artists.
2000 Salmagundi Prize for Oil Painting, Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Arts Millennium Exhibition, National Arts Club, NY.
2000 Gerdine Prize for Portrait Painting, St. Louis Artists’ Guild, MO, 8-9/2000.
1999 10 Year Service Award, New England School of Art & Design at Suffolk University, Boston, MA, 11/1999.
1999 Summer Stipend- Suffolk University, Boston, MA, 6/1999-studied drawing & painting techniques of 5 women artists.
1991 & 1992 Finalist, “Artists’ Magazine’s” Painting Competition 1991 & 1992, December issues
1991 First Place in Painting, Harvard University, Arnold Arboretum’s Spring Art Exhibit, 1991; posters printed of winner’s painting; 5,000 sold.
1981-84 Tuition Scholarships and Grants, 1981-84, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA.
COMMUNITY 2009-10 Volunteer Instructor for arts & crafts workshops at Heritage Apartments, East Boston, subsidized
SERVICES Housing residence, through S.O.U.L.S., Suffolk University, Boston, MA, 2010.
Hired Art & Design majors- students as volunteer teaching assistance. Taught once a month during school year.
1999-2000 Volunteer Instructor in Fine Arts at the Mary E. Curly School, Roxbury, Boston. Through Suffolk University’s
Community Service Center headed by Assistant to the Vice President, Sharon Artis Jackson, Professor Martin
hired Art & Design majors- students as teaching assistants.
2003 Volunteer art instruction in painting and drawing to preschool children at the
Kinder Kare Pre-School, Quincy, MA.
1989-92 Arts and Crafts Volunteer Instructor : Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA.
PROFESSIONAL 2022-present Allied Artists of America, Salmagundi Arts Club, New York, NY
2015- present Lowell Art Association, Whistler House Museum of Art, Lowell, MA
MEMBERSHIP 1999-present Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Arts Club at the National Arts Club, Gramercy Park, NY
1998-present DeCordova Museum Corporate Art Loan Program, Lincoln, MA– contributing artist and museum member.
1990-present Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA- museum member
2011- 2013 Louvre Museum, Paris, France- museum member
2000-2010 Pastel Painters Society of Cape Cod, MA
2007-2010 International Guild of Realism, Scottsdale, AZ
since 1990 Fellowship of the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA
ARTIST’S WEBSITES Artist’s Website: www.lydiamartinstudio.com
Sugarlift Gallery: www.sugarlift.com
Galería Artelibre Artist’s website: https://www.artelibre.net/autores/autor.php?aut=lydia-martin
Instagram Artist’s website: @LydiaMartinPainter
Art It website: https://artit.net/user/portfolio
Artist’s Website at Useum.org: http://useum.org/artist/Lydia-Martin
Suffolk University Art & Design Professor Emerita’s website: https://www.suffolk.edu/academics/faculty/m/a/Lydia%20Martin
Artists website at Chabot Gallery: www.chabotgallery.com/artists/lydia-martin/
Artist’s website at Artavita.com: www.artavita.com/artists/8542-lydia-martin
Contributing Lending Artist’s website at DeCordova Museum ‘s Corporate Art Loan: www.decordova.org/lydia-martin
Artist’s AskArt.com: www.askart.com/askart/artist.aspx?artist=115620
Artist’s Pinterest.com website: https://www.pinterest.com/LydiaMartin8/
Artists website at Brooklyn Arts Project: www.brooklynartproject.com/profile/lydiamartin