Kazuya Ushioda
Obras en Exposición
1983 Born in Japan
2015 Graduated from the Graduate Art Department of Bunsei University of Art. Was awarded a doctorate in Fine Arts.
"Study on Realistic Expression in Our Days
-Research and Development of the Tempera Useful for Realistic Expression―" - Ph.D. Dissertation
This paper is an overview of various tempera paint formulas from the past to present, and the development of new tempera paint formulas based on those.
I paint portraits with oil paint and a tempera paint that I developed in my personal research, called 《Impasto OG tempera 》(O = Oil, G = Glue), for which I was awarded a doctorate.
Although cleanliness and purity are recurring themes in my work, I regard "prayer" as being the most important.
When I refer to "prayer", it is not prayer in a specific religion, but rather praying for the goodness of humanity.
I want to emphatically explore the beauty that enlightens people in this uncertain and cruel world
2017:Exhibited at the Sato Museum of Art" "Making by 70 Contemporary Artists - My Cat Exhibition"
2019:Sato Museum of Art "Gift from Artist to Medalist - Victory Bouquet Exhibition"
2020:3rd Hoki Museum Award Special Award
2020:15th ARC Salon Finalists
2021:Art Renewal Center Associate Living Master