Karin Jurick
Obras en Exposición
In a nutshell, I wanted to be an illustrator when I started college. Instead, I ended up helping my parents run a business - and after losing both my mom and dad - I became the owner. My shop was in business for nearly 32 years, I recently closed up for good.
After 15+ years of not doing any art, in 2004 I started painting. I sold enough on eBay to build a studio in my back yard - then began using oils for the first time.
That lead to selling more paintings on eBay - then a year later I entered work in a gallery. A year later, I entered into another gallery, then another. Now I’m ina comfortable place - doing larger works for those three galleries while I continue to paint small pieces that frequently auction on eBay.
I take my camera everywhere, paint from those photos - moments in time, people just doing their thing.
That’s about it. Thanks for your interest.
I do appreciate it.
- Karin J