Eduardo Argüelles
Obras en Exposición
From a family of artists ,Eduardo Arguelles began to draw at 9,reproducing works of his sister Rachel.After many years dedicated to practice of medicine, university career , research works and medicine books,Arguelles returned to draw,keeping always the condition of a self-tougth artist and the fidelity to figurative.Painting ,now ,for three decades,such inclination emphasized,creating or recriating images,but incorporating to his work secondary and undefined figures that interposes the principal one,in the majority of cases the woman,as fountain of inspiration and tribute to suavity,sensuality and beauty.The result is what can be named oneiric figurative. Today,with his work divulged all around the world,his images can be recognized illustrating books,texts and poems.After more than one hundred exibitions,the brazilian painter is Member of Merit Order of Fine Arts and Member of Brazilian Academy of Fine Arts.